Friday, July 31, 2009

E Senior Pictures

This is my first senior photo shoot. It was a bit sunny because we had to do it later in the day, but we are going to schedule another photo shoot to get some more awesome pictures. She is very photogenic and beautiful! I loved taking these pictures!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

The W kids

These are the W kids. Baby V's mom said she had an attitude and I thought her picture captured it quite well. Baby L was just too cute. Very bald but you know they say bald is beautiful. :O) It was a bit cloudy today but all in all I think the pictures turned out great! Baby V didn't smile very much but I did capture her sweet child innocence in a lot of the pictures.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

T and E Photo shoot

I photographed this couple yesterday at a couple parks. It was rough to get them out of their comfort zone and to make them not be so shy but I got some wonderful pictures when they did. They both had wonderful ideas on different poses too. The sun was a little low and bright but all in all it turned out ok.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Baby M Photo Shoot

This is Baby M. My first photo shoot here in South Dakota. I have always had a passion for photography and when we moved here, I wanted to start helping out with saving money. I photographed Baby M on July 9th 2009. It was later in the day and hot so needless to say, she was not very cooperative, but I think we got some wonderful pictures. She loved playing peek-a-boo with her teddy bear and loved it even more when her mom spun her around. These are by far some of my favorite pictures of this photo shoot. We had tons of fun and got some very pretty pictures of her. I have some more photo shoots lined up for the upcoming weeks. So keep coming back.

Starting the Blog

With a new business I thought I could start a blog where families could view a sneak peek of the photos taken that day. Just a little about myself. I am Kelley Anderson and I was born and raised in Ogden Utah. My Sophmore year I met my now husband Kalin Anderson. After we were married in February of 2008, he joined the Air Force and we got stationed at Ellsworth AFB in Good ol' South Dakota. I have been taking pictures for a very long time and took a class or two in high school where I learned to develop pictures and get a new perspective. If you are just visiting my website and like what you see and want your own photoshoot you can contact me at and I will tell you what the fees are. Thanks!hope you appreciate this blog and all of the sneak peeks into your photo shoots.
Kelley Anderson